Microservice Architecture in Django project

Microservice Architecture in Django project

This blog will helps you to understand the idea of how we can implement Microservice Architecture in Django Framework.

Welcome to microservice architecture using Django!

Django is a powerful web framework that helps you build complex web applications quickly and easily. But what exactly is microservice architecture, and how can Django help you take advantage of it?

Microservices are a newer architectural style for building software applications. Unlike traditional monolithic architectures, which build one large application as a single unit, microservices break an application down into small, independent services that communicate with each other. This has several advantages:

  1. Services can be developed and deployed independently of each other, so you can move faster overall.
  2. Each service has a well-defined purpose and responsibility, making the code easier to understand and maintain .
    3 . If one service goes down , the others can continue to run , so your app is more resilient . 4 . Services can be written in different languages , allowing you to choose the best tool for each job . 5.You can scale individual services as needed , rather than scaling the entire app .

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At the end of this series I will upload GitHub link of a ERP software using Django Rest framework and Microservice architecture.